Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Where there is smoke...

Really, right now I am hoping there is no fire.

Doing my typical morning routine, I left my apartment for work. However today was not typical... there is a ton of smoke in the hallway. Hmm... there was none in my apartment. The fire alarm isn't going off. And this smoke smells a little like gas. Maybe I should take the stairs...

I tried taking the stairs but they were locked, so now I need to talk to the concierge when I get back home to find out how to use them in the future if necessary. But, the smoke and the smell is starting to get to me. I am chancing the elevator.

I pray the entire time that I'm in the elevator that it will not stop. Thank God, I get to the lobby and find out that the concierge is already aware of the smoke. The smoke is in every hallway in the entire building but they haven't found fire or smoke in any of the condos. They are assuming that the trouble is one of the air inductors on the roof that pushes air to the common areas but they aren't certain.

When I left I knew that the fire department had been called. And while driving to work I drove by the fire truck going to my building.

Please pray that they catch it and that I have a home to go home to!

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