Thursday, May 01, 2008


Last night the SATC crew decided to watch a movie instead of Sex and the City, so we ordered pizza, had beer, ate brownies, and watched Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.

It's been a long while since I have watched the movie but I loved it! It made me want to go kick some butt myself. It also made me realize I am way too out of shape. So, starting again in May I am back to my old diet. No eating after 8pm, no dessert, and working out! I started working out this morning by going to the gym and running on the elliptical for 1 hour. Since I want to 'jump start' this gym thing I am going to go back after work for pilates and boxing!!

I can't wait!! I need to own the movie. Its a great motivational tool! LOL!!

1 comment:

Shannon Ragland Lake said... thinks I need to hit the gym, too! After almost a month on Medrol (steroids) I feel ick. That and there is real high from feeling like you can kick-a**. Which is why I love lifting weights... strengthening plus maximizing metabolism!

Have you looked at The Zone? Great diet for muscle-building.