Sunday, December 07, 2008

Table #52 Rocks!!

Yesterday I went to a singles event at Buckhead Church called Giving Up Christmas and I had a blast!! I sat at table #52 just for my friend Jerry but I am glad I did. Everyone at the table was amazing and we had a so much fun getting to know each other. To see what the event looked like look below...

To go to the event everyone had to pay $5. At the event, they said they would give back the $5 to everyone and then add some too it. All we had to do was win the money back. We played trivia games and each table was a contestant. My table ended up wining $10 per person. The goal was to then take the money to the streets. Give it to whatever we felt like (a charity, someone in need, an organization that needed assistance, anything). My group came up with a few different ideas... mine was to go to a Toys for Tots event that is going on this afternoon. The people who didn't come up with an idea gave their money to the event they most wanted to contribute too. I ended up with $35 for toys!!

After the event ended I helped clean up... I wish I had a video of the clean up... it would have been amazing. I thought it was so cool to watch the layout go from above to the normal church set up.

Once everything was cleaned up I headed to Target to pick up some toys. I hope I got some good ones!!

Do you think I got some fun gifts for kids????

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