Thursday, September 08, 2005

Cough, Cough!

So, I got the registration taken care of on Tuesday at lunch... I am legal again!! It was quite easy to get the tags taken care of but now I need to get my license change into my new address which means a very long line. I will probably get that taken care of on Saturday.

Well, after church on Sunday I did about my most favorite thing (for one of the last times this year (pout, pout)... I laid out at the pool!! I love to do that. I met a few people while I was laying out this time too which was different. There are generally a lot of people there but I generally keep to myself and read... good downtime. But these people were from the apartment complex across the street but they say we have the better pool!! I have not been to the other pool but I would have to agree... hehe!

On Monday, Labor Day, I worked! We are a 24 x 7 operation, I could have taken the day off if I wanted, but for working I got some extra money and a few extra vacation days so I don't feel bad about working! I am saving up money now to buy a couch and the extra vacation days will come in handy because I have quite a few visitors coming down in the next few months!!

On Monday night I went to Piedmont Park, which is quite close to where I live and went for a run. I am getting back into working out again and figured that would be a pretty place to go. I felt a little out of place there though... I think I was the only person with out a dog!! Everyone seemed to have one! Victor told me I could borrow his puppy and take it for a run but it is a Rottweiler and it is huge... so I think it would have more taken me for a run!! After working out I stopped by Sean's house for dinner (once again made by his parents and YUMM) and Will & Grace. It was fun as always!

Tuesday was not a good day for me... I started feeling this little tickle in my throat. Hmm...

Then on Wednesday I got a call from my friend Jody, who I haven't heard from in years!! Actually, let me back up.. Jody was one of my best friends and we had met while working at the Sveden House. She got married a couple of years ago and I was in her wedding. Not long after that she and I both moved and we had lost touch. Then a couple of weeks ago she sends me a letter (she sent it to my parents house which was forwarded to me by them) and I replied back. In the letter I found out she is pregnant!! So, last night she called me up and we had a good conversation. Her and her husband are living outside of Detroit and manage a campground and are getting ready for the baby.

After my conversation with Jody my friend Victor came over and I cooked us dinner. I think he was pretty impressed... dinner was good and I am not known for making meals!! Generally I am much better at being the guest then the hostess!

And on Thursday I felt a little bit worse...

And now today... I think I am sick!! I have felt like I have a good head cold all day... yuck!! I went to the local Walgreens and got some medicine and I am laying low tonight.


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Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better, Kristie! Congratulations on the good cooking job.
Love, Grandma E