What are your New Years plans??
Monday, December 31, 2007
What makes me feel 'old' at 27
I am sitting at work. I have no big New Years plans. And I told Kendol last night that I would prefer to get a bottle of wine, stay in, and fall asleep before the ball drops. I am turning into my parents. And that makes me feel old at 27.

What are your New Years plans??
What are your New Years plans??
Friday, December 28, 2007
Let It Snow...
And it sure is. We have been keeping an eye on flights all day because Atlanta had bad weather this morning and its snowing so much that my flight back to Atlanta scheduled for 5:50pm tonight has been cancelled already. Luckily I was one of the first to reschedule my flight for tomorrow. For those who want to know the flight number is Delta 43751 flying out from Flint at 2:55pm.
The nice part is I am now able to see my Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda. They were coming today to visit with my parents and they were supposed to be here after my flight left. Its nice to spend one more day with the family.
P.S. Snow storms are so beautiful when you know you will only see one this year ;)
The nice part is I am now able to see my Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda. They were coming today to visit with my parents and they were supposed to be here after my flight left. Its nice to spend one more day with the family.
P.S. Snow storms are so beautiful when you know you will only see one this year ;)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
UPDATE: A First Time for Everything
Dad and Dan went back out this morning to continue track the deer this morning. They were afraid last night that tracking would be difficult because of the new snow this morning but it didn't start snowing until after the left... which was perfect. They got back out to the woods, found where the deer had laid down, and found where SOMEONE ELSE had drug it away! The jerk!! Dad and Dan went to the closest house and spoke with the woman who lived there. They found out that her son got the deer. At least someone did, but after all that work yesterday its kinda anti-climatic that we never got it.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A First Time for Everything
Something that the northern guys like to do is go hunting. The males in my family are no exception. Give them something to hunt and they will do it. This morning they spent the morning much like many early mornings by heading out to their blinds at 5am to hunt deer. The plan was for them to bow hunt in the am and then for them to come home in time for a late breakfast and then we would spend the afternoon together.
On the assumption that events would go as planned I woke up at 9am, spent the morning working out (jogged 4 miles on the treadmill then did some sit-ups and push-ups) before taking my shower. At about 11am I got a call from my Dad that he had shot a buck around 8am, however it didn't drop right away, so they had spent the next few hours watching the buck walk around their respective hunting areas. Once the deer was far enough away for them to leave they did so in hopes that the deer would find a spot to lay down and that they would find the deer there later.
Then they asked me... "Would you like to come track the deer with us?"
This was something new to me. In the 20-odd years that I have lived in Michigan I haven't gone hunting or tracked a deer. I defiantly don't have the patience to sit in a blind at un-godly hours in the morning and wait for an animal to possibly walk by, I do have the patience to walk thru the woods. So, in the spirit of trying something new, I agreed to join them.
The woods that my dad and Dan hunt is up by my grandparents house in Sebewaing so they picked me up and we first stopped at Sport-ez in Sebewaing for a Roastie. If you are ever in Sebewaing you should stop by... the Roasties are very good!
SIDE NOTE: if you are completely against hunting (or a really good story) stop reading now.
After lunch we headed out to the woods. The woods were beautiful and it was an amazing walk. The last time I chose to take a walk thru the woods without Dad or Dan I was with my cousin Marie and we got so lost that I am scared to go in the woods by myself. My dad showed me where his shanny was and where he had shot the deer and then we followed the deers trail thru the woods which is where my Dad and brother thought our adventure would end. However, since this was my first 'track' that was only the beginning.
The trail took us thru all the woods, over a road, into another woods. There were a few times that we lost the trail but my dad and Dan are experts at this so they always found blood. Then the deer went into a field and we (and I say 'we' very loosely as I was along for the journey) lost the trail. I stood at the last spot that they know the deer was and each guy followed a different trail of hooves. When Dan's trail ended he pulled out his binoculars and looked around. He saw a buck a couple fields over that they thought may have been my Dad's deer however when he turned to tell Dad the deer went away. So, my Dad went to the edge of the field we were on and tried to find a new trail, but there were none.
With no trail to go on, we went to a line of pine trees and the guys looked at the edge of the field, where there is snow, and miraculously found the trail. We followed that to the next field and were half way thru another field when we heard two dogs barking off in the distance. We all looked up and saw them chasing... a deer.
Dan looked thru the binoculars again and found it was a buck and it was running with a hobble. It took a few minutes to monitor him to verify but it was my Dad's buck. We all watched the deer for a while however the deer kept moving and we had to be able to keep up with it. The decision was made that Dad and I would go back to the vehicle and Dan would keep monitor of the progress of the deer.
Of course I was lost, no clue where we were, but we walked along the road and quickly I found that we had made a pretty good circle and ended some what close to car. We drove back and picked up my brother and then drove as close as we could to the deer. New plans now have to be made. This is bow hunting and apparently you need to be pretty close to get a good shot with a bow. A lot closer than we will probably be able to get. Also, the deer is now in field and the guys want permission to shoot in the field. The next step was to call Neil or Tom (relatives on my Mom's side). Neil didn't answer however Tom was close as he was checking out the bay to see how the ice fishing was so he came to help. He verified with the field owner that we could go onto his field. We were right by a ditch and there was another coming from the adjacent field. They needed to hide as much as possible to get as close as the could to the deer. Dan went into the ditch by where we were parked while Tom and Dad drove to the next ditch. I watched from my Dad's vehicle. I saw my Dad get out and start walking, which caused the deer to run, but not in the direction that they were hoping (which would have been back to Dan).
While they were working on this I realized I needed to go to the bathroom but I had no where to go. I looked around and the only way to get any privacy would be to go into the ditch. I devised a little plan of my own but it was adverted when I started walking to the ditch and on one step the snow broke and I went thigh high into the snow. I turned around and tried to go back but all the snow started breaking. I crawled my way back up and as I was doing that Dad and Tom were coming back in Tom's truck. Then I was glad I didn't make it into the ditch. They would have come back just in time to catch me with my pants around my ankles. Would have been quite embarrassing!
Dad and Tom had devised a new plan. Tom would drop off my Dad at the other end of the ditch that Dan was in while Tom and I would watch the deer from the truck. We watched the deer thru the binoculars Tom had brought and we saw the deer head towards a line of pine trees that lined Steve Gremel house. Tom and I then drove over to Steve's house to see who was home, we found out there were quite a few people there -- and a couple of dogs. I quickly realized these were the same dogs that had chased the deers only about an hour earlier. And, I could see why the deer ran... they were scary dogs. However, this second time that the deer was bad the dogs were completely oblivious and there were not two but three dogs.
Tom talked to the people who where there and then instructed me to get take his truck to get my Dad. I asked if he was sure he wanted me driving his vehicle but he was.
I was so nervous!! I am not the best driver, I hate driving big vehicles, and I had to turn around the truck in front of everyone. I managed to get the truck turned around and was driving out the very long drive way when another truck pulled in... it was my Dad with another guy. I turned back around and headed back into commotion.
The found the deer behind a barn and watched it walk INTO a pig barn. By the time I had pulled up Dan already had drawn his bow back and was pointed directly into the barn. My dad and another guy was on the opposite side of the barn and was looking in thru one of the side windows. My dad asked permission to shoot into the barn however the guy wasn't the owner of the barn so he didn't shoot in. They told me later that the deer was hopping over the stalls of the pig barn while they were watching. Then I see the deer jump out of a window on the side I was on! It then ran back into the field!! It was crazy! One of the ladies who was there was having a ton of fun... she said this is the most excitement ever on their property!
We all stood around and chatted for a moment. I found out that the dog that came up with Dan had found him in the ditch. Apparently Dan was getting pretty close to the deer, almost within shooting range, and he heard a noise behind him. When he turned to look he saw the dog... and the dog just wanted to play. He shoo'ed the dog over to the deer but the dog wouldn't give up. That's when the deer headed to the pine trees along the house.
After we left the house we drove back around to where I had needed to use the restroom... which is right where the deer was standing. Dad and Dan were in the bed of Tom's truck, each holding their bows hoping for one last shot before the sun went down. My dad did take one shot but it was more of a hail-mary and missed the deer. My dad went out into the woods to get his arrow and scared the deer back into the woods that my dad had shot the deer to begin with. Talk about a full circle!! But, my dad was happy. Since it was now 5pm the sun was going down and tracking had to be done for the day. With the deer going into the woods there was a good chance that it would lay down to sleep so Dad and Dan will go back out tomorrow morning and see if they can start over.
In the end my Mom was upset... I spent a day in the woods with my family tracking a deer but not a picture was taken. No one will ever believe me.
On the assumption that events would go as planned I woke up at 9am, spent the morning working out (jogged 4 miles on the treadmill then did some sit-ups and push-ups) before taking my shower. At about 11am I got a call from my Dad that he had shot a buck around 8am, however it didn't drop right away, so they had spent the next few hours watching the buck walk around their respective hunting areas. Once the deer was far enough away for them to leave they did so in hopes that the deer would find a spot to lay down and that they would find the deer there later.
Then they asked me... "Would you like to come track the deer with us?"
This was something new to me. In the 20-odd years that I have lived in Michigan I haven't gone hunting or tracked a deer. I defiantly don't have the patience to sit in a blind at un-godly hours in the morning and wait for an animal to possibly walk by, I do have the patience to walk thru the woods. So, in the spirit of trying something new, I agreed to join them.
The woods that my dad and Dan hunt is up by my grandparents house in Sebewaing so they picked me up and we first stopped at Sport-ez in Sebewaing for a Roastie. If you are ever in Sebewaing you should stop by... the Roasties are very good!
SIDE NOTE: if you are completely against hunting (or a really good story) stop reading now.
After lunch we headed out to the woods. The woods were beautiful and it was an amazing walk. The last time I chose to take a walk thru the woods without Dad or Dan I was with my cousin Marie and we got so lost that I am scared to go in the woods by myself. My dad showed me where his shanny was and where he had shot the deer and then we followed the deers trail thru the woods which is where my Dad and brother thought our adventure would end. However, since this was my first 'track' that was only the beginning.
The trail took us thru all the woods, over a road, into another woods. There were a few times that we lost the trail but my dad and Dan are experts at this so they always found blood. Then the deer went into a field and we (and I say 'we' very loosely as I was along for the journey) lost the trail. I stood at the last spot that they know the deer was and each guy followed a different trail of hooves. When Dan's trail ended he pulled out his binoculars and looked around. He saw a buck a couple fields over that they thought may have been my Dad's deer however when he turned to tell Dad the deer went away. So, my Dad went to the edge of the field we were on and tried to find a new trail, but there were none.
With no trail to go on, we went to a line of pine trees and the guys looked at the edge of the field, where there is snow, and miraculously found the trail. We followed that to the next field and were half way thru another field when we heard two dogs barking off in the distance. We all looked up and saw them chasing... a deer.
Dan looked thru the binoculars again and found it was a buck and it was running with a hobble. It took a few minutes to monitor him to verify but it was my Dad's buck. We all watched the deer for a while however the deer kept moving and we had to be able to keep up with it. The decision was made that Dad and I would go back to the vehicle and Dan would keep monitor of the progress of the deer.
Of course I was lost, no clue where we were, but we walked along the road and quickly I found that we had made a pretty good circle and ended some what close to car. We drove back and picked up my brother and then drove as close as we could to the deer. New plans now have to be made. This is bow hunting and apparently you need to be pretty close to get a good shot with a bow. A lot closer than we will probably be able to get. Also, the deer is now in field and the guys want permission to shoot in the field. The next step was to call Neil or Tom (relatives on my Mom's side). Neil didn't answer however Tom was close as he was checking out the bay to see how the ice fishing was so he came to help. He verified with the field owner that we could go onto his field. We were right by a ditch and there was another coming from the adjacent field. They needed to hide as much as possible to get as close as the could to the deer. Dan went into the ditch by where we were parked while Tom and Dad drove to the next ditch. I watched from my Dad's vehicle. I saw my Dad get out and start walking, which caused the deer to run, but not in the direction that they were hoping (which would have been back to Dan).
While they were working on this I realized I needed to go to the bathroom but I had no where to go. I looked around and the only way to get any privacy would be to go into the ditch. I devised a little plan of my own but it was adverted when I started walking to the ditch and on one step the snow broke and I went thigh high into the snow. I turned around and tried to go back but all the snow started breaking. I crawled my way back up and as I was doing that Dad and Tom were coming back in Tom's truck. Then I was glad I didn't make it into the ditch. They would have come back just in time to catch me with my pants around my ankles. Would have been quite embarrassing!
Dad and Tom had devised a new plan. Tom would drop off my Dad at the other end of the ditch that Dan was in while Tom and I would watch the deer from the truck. We watched the deer thru the binoculars Tom had brought and we saw the deer head towards a line of pine trees that lined Steve Gremel house. Tom and I then drove over to Steve's house to see who was home, we found out there were quite a few people there -- and a couple of dogs. I quickly realized these were the same dogs that had chased the deers only about an hour earlier. And, I could see why the deer ran... they were scary dogs. However, this second time that the deer was bad the dogs were completely oblivious and there were not two but three dogs.
Tom talked to the people who where there and then instructed me to get take his truck to get my Dad. I asked if he was sure he wanted me driving his vehicle but he was.
I was so nervous!! I am not the best driver, I hate driving big vehicles, and I had to turn around the truck in front of everyone. I managed to get the truck turned around and was driving out the very long drive way when another truck pulled in... it was my Dad with another guy. I turned back around and headed back into commotion.
The found the deer behind a barn and watched it walk INTO a pig barn. By the time I had pulled up Dan already had drawn his bow back and was pointed directly into the barn. My dad and another guy was on the opposite side of the barn and was looking in thru one of the side windows. My dad asked permission to shoot into the barn however the guy wasn't the owner of the barn so he didn't shoot in. They told me later that the deer was hopping over the stalls of the pig barn while they were watching. Then I see the deer jump out of a window on the side I was on! It then ran back into the field!! It was crazy! One of the ladies who was there was having a ton of fun... she said this is the most excitement ever on their property!
We all stood around and chatted for a moment. I found out that the dog that came up with Dan had found him in the ditch. Apparently Dan was getting pretty close to the deer, almost within shooting range, and he heard a noise behind him. When he turned to look he saw the dog... and the dog just wanted to play. He shoo'ed the dog over to the deer but the dog wouldn't give up. That's when the deer headed to the pine trees along the house.
After we left the house we drove back around to where I had needed to use the restroom... which is right where the deer was standing. Dad and Dan were in the bed of Tom's truck, each holding their bows hoping for one last shot before the sun went down. My dad did take one shot but it was more of a hail-mary and missed the deer. My dad went out into the woods to get his arrow and scared the deer back into the woods that my dad had shot the deer to begin with. Talk about a full circle!! But, my dad was happy. Since it was now 5pm the sun was going down and tracking had to be done for the day. With the deer going into the woods there was a good chance that it would lay down to sleep so Dad and Dan will go back out tomorrow morning and see if they can start over.
In the end my Mom was upset... I spent a day in the woods with my family tracking a deer but not a picture was taken. No one will ever believe me.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Birthday....
... to my Mom. You will have to ask her how young she is now. For a while she was 29, however since I am now close to that the number has changed to 30. Either way... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!
After a slight delay to change the tire on the airplane, I had a safe flight up from the ATL yesterday. We spent the afternoon and evening eating at Freeway Fritz, going to Meijers (yea!!), and playing cards. The ladies won 3 of the 4 games. Ask my brother how much I like to lose ;)~
This morning we opened presents from each other. I recieved a few really beatiful BCBG shirts, georgeous Yonkers jewelry, and some cute Victoria Secret undies from my parents. I love all the gifts!! My brother gave me the wonderful picture from the post below.
I had gotten my mom some lotion/body wash from Crabtree & Evelyn and earings from Black House | White Market. My Dad and my brother I knitted scarves and got them shirts from Dillards (the only place I could find in the ATL that has big/tall clothes) and slippers. I get them slippers (that have a shoe sole) every year because they wear out the one that I get them the year before. I like getting them something I know they will use out!
My mom got some great birthday presents as well!
Happy Birthday Mom & Jesus!!
After a slight delay to change the tire on the airplane, I had a safe flight up from the ATL yesterday. We spent the afternoon and evening eating at Freeway Fritz, going to Meijers (yea!!), and playing cards. The ladies won 3 of the 4 games. Ask my brother how much I like to lose ;)~
This morning we opened presents from each other. I recieved a few really beatiful BCBG shirts, georgeous Yonkers jewelry, and some cute Victoria Secret undies from my parents. I love all the gifts!! My brother gave me the wonderful picture from the post below.
I had gotten my mom some lotion/body wash from Crabtree & Evelyn and earings from Black House | White Market. My Dad and my brother I knitted scarves and got them shirts from Dillards (the only place I could find in the ATL that has big/tall clothes) and slippers. I get them slippers (that have a shoe sole) every year because they wear out the one that I get them the year before. I like getting them something I know they will use out!
My mom got some great birthday presents as well!
Happy Birthday Mom & Jesus!!
Merry Christmas from my brother Dan
My brother gave me an amazing picture (that he took and edited) for Christmas. He says its something to remember him by... since he will be moving out west this spring.

He will be working as a guide at Out West Guides.

He will be working as a guide at Out West Guides.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I stole this from another site but...
I wanted to wish you
Geseënde Kersfees
Feliz Natal
Happy Christmas
Joyeux Noel
Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan
Feliz Navidad
Mele Kalikimaka
Selamat Hari Natal
Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Maligayan Pasko!
Srozhdestvom Kristovym
Buone Feste Natalizie
God Jule
Kurisumasu Omedeto
Tonight I will go to church (I can't wait to see what they are going to do for Christmas) and then pack for my trip to Michigan. For those who want to know, the itinerary currently stands at me leaving the ATL on Delta 4414 at 12:30 PM on Monday and arriving in Flint at 2:26 exactly. So, if I don't post again before then...

Geseënde Kersfees
Feliz Natal
Happy Christmas
Joyeux Noel
Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan
Feliz Navidad
Mele Kalikimaka
Selamat Hari Natal
Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Maligayan Pasko!
Srozhdestvom Kristovym
Buone Feste Natalizie
God Jule
Kurisumasu Omedeto
Tonight I will go to church (I can't wait to see what they are going to do for Christmas) and then pack for my trip to Michigan. For those who want to know, the itinerary currently stands at me leaving the ATL on Delta 4414 at 12:30 PM on Monday and arriving in Flint at 2:26 exactly. So, if I don't post again before then...

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Yeaaaa for Friday!!
I have been so excited for today to come... my entire plans include watching my 2 new DVD's from Blockbuster, possibly getting out my paints and playing with some canvas, and re-painting my toenails. Of course Oprah will have to be thrown in there as well! I thought about walking over to the mall however with the Holiday mad dash there is absolutely no way I will leave the tranquility of my apartment for the madness of the mall today!! Ahhhhhhhh! Peace and quiet. For a whole day
SATC - Christmas Edition
We decided that this week we would make this week a little dressier, but still in the Sex and The City fashion. So, how did we do?

Check out the rest here...
Check out the rest here...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Update on airborne
So, after airborne, 3 movies, Tin Drum curry chicken, and a good nights sleep I am feeling better. But not out of the woods. Instead of my normal walk to Buckhead Church I decided to drive. Its cold enough that I didn't want to push the not feeling well.
I am still sluggish enough that coffee hasn't helped yet but I am not as sick as a lot of people around the church... however I have the same symptoms which makes me quite nervous that I will get worse before I get better. But, I am working now and will keep you posted.
I am still sluggish enough that coffee hasn't helped yet but I am not as sick as a lot of people around the church... however I have the same symptoms which makes me quite nervous that I will get worse before I get better. But, I am working now and will keep you posted.
You know your apartments really that bad when...
There is a BLOG about how bad it is. Seriously. That bad. I understand that places like apartment ratings are not alway accurate. Generally only the people with problems post to places like that. But, a blog. It make me laugh... nervously.
I have been having massive problems with Heights at Lenox since I moved in. I would post them all here but I seriously don't have them time. And, none of my issues have been about my neighbors. The neighbors have been truly respectful of the close living conditions and, honestly, listening to the occasional Hispanic music is quite enjoyable. But, things with the building, management, and maintenance staff have been so bad that I am writing to the management company as last resort before going to the Better Business Bureau, the heath/housing authority, and to a lawyer.
Please pray for me as I work thru this. I really don't want to move if I don't have to (I move enough already and I think my friends will make me hire a moving company if I move 2 times in one year again) and its a great location... which is why I haven't moved out already. I am past the angry/ready to kill someone stage and have taken the stance that if I am going to laugh about his later... but, I just need guidance as to how I should proceed.
I have been having massive problems with Heights at Lenox since I moved in. I would post them all here but I seriously don't have them time. And, none of my issues have been about my neighbors. The neighbors have been truly respectful of the close living conditions and, honestly, listening to the occasional Hispanic music is quite enjoyable. But, things with the building, management, and maintenance staff have been so bad that I am writing to the management company as last resort before going to the Better Business Bureau, the heath/housing authority, and to a lawyer.
Please pray for me as I work thru this. I really don't want to move if I don't have to (I move enough already and I think my friends will make me hire a moving company if I move 2 times in one year again) and its a great location... which is why I haven't moved out already. I am past the angry/ready to kill someone stage and have taken the stance that if I am going to laugh about his later... but, I just need guidance as to how I should proceed.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sleepy, foggy head, scratchy throat, scared that I am getting sick. I don't have time for a cold. I took an airborne. I hope it helps!! My big plans for today changed. I may try and spend a lot of the day on the couch. Pray that I stay healthy!!
Cbeyond Christmas Party
So I finally have all the pictures uploaded from the Cbeyond Christmas Party!! Here is a sneek peek.

Check out the rest here!!

Check out the rest here!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Save Richie (dot) com
A friend of mine from Buckhead Church is trying to save the life of his friend.
From the website:
From the website:
We have a friend named Richie Spears. Earlier this year Richie was diagnosed with non-hodgkin lymphoma. Unfortunately the cancer was caught too late and it was far too advanced before they began treatment. Richie has been accepted to Duke's stem cell program and is slated to begin treatment in early 2008... Read the whole story
Here is what we want do... We need to raise enough money to offset the cost of a bone marrow transplant and recovery. We are shooting for a goal of $500,000. Will you join us?
Here is what we want do... We need to raise enough money to offset the cost of a bone marrow transplant and recovery. We are shooting for a goal of $500,000. Will you join us?
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Where I am and where I am about to go...
Buckhead Church 341 - Cbeyond 0
As I previously posted, I have quite a few Starbucks options on my way to Buckhead Church. There are none on my way to Cbeyond and I was so jonesing for a Peppermint Mocha.
I am sad. And quite sleepy. There were quite a few pictures taken of me last night at the Cbeyond and after parties. If I get any of them I will post them here.
I am sad. And quite sleepy. There were quite a few pictures taken of me last night at the Cbeyond and after parties. If I get any of them I will post them here.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Why do I never remember my camera
This is the busiest time of year!! Why do I always forget to bring my camera?? And then, if I do actually remember to bring it why is it that I never remember to use it?
Last weekend I spent Friday making cookies (which, I amazingly I did remember to take pictures and once I pull them off my camera I will add them here) and then went to a cookie exchange. It was a ton of fun!!
Saturday night was the first of many Christmas parties. Gene and Alex hosted the party and I had a ton of fun. Alex was gracious enough to send out the pictures from the event. Here are some of them...
VJ as the bartender.
On Monday my Community Group had our Christmas party at Pura Vida, which is only one of my favorite tapas restaurants ever!! Here is where I wish I would have remembered by camera... we don't have any pictures of all of us together. Instead of exchanging gifts each year we pool money for charity. This year we decided to go with Buckhead Church's drive to Be Rich. I am so glad we decide to give instead of get every year!!
Wednesday the Technical Solutions (aka IT for Buckhead, NorthPoint, and Browns Bridge) had our Christmas lunch which I previously blogged about.
Yesterday I helped my friends Ashley and Marcus move into their first house. They were my old neighbors at M Street Apartment and its sad that we now live further apart. But they moved into a really cute town home which is only a few minutes from the Farmers Market in DeKalb. I am so jealous!!
After the move was the Admin Christmas party for Buckhead, NorthPoint and Browns Bridge and it was held in the Attic at North Point... beautifully decorated. It was a lot of fun with dinner and the best chocolate milk ever (they had peppermint sticks and marshmallows... yummm!!!)!!!
After the Christmas party I picked up Kendol and we went to a going away party for a college friend of his. She has been going to school but decided she wasn't happy in her major, but has no clue what she wants to do. So, instead of spending a ton of money not doing anything she is going to go back home, live with her parents to save up some money, and decide what her next life step will be. I wish her luck and say a little prayer that she will find her direction!
But, this madness doesn't end. Here is my schedule for the next few days...
Saturday - work all day at Cbeyond then go to the Cbeyond Holiday party followed by the holiday after party (if I can make it)
Sunday - back to work at 8am, followed by church at 6pm and my friends Christmas Pot Luck at 7pm
Monday - my Friday at Cbeyond!! I then get to see my Community Group girls again!!
Tuesday - DAY OFF!!! Woo Hoo!! So far nothing major during the day. At night I get to see the progress that Ashley and Marcus made on getting their house together.
Wednesday - My Sex and The City night. After work at Buckhead Church (woo hoo) I get to hang out and watch SATC!!
Thursday - Work and work out (can't leave that out - Christmas time means a ton of food - none of it good for me)
Friday - ahhhhh relax
Wish me luck!! I want to make it to Friday!!! Hehe. But, I am looking forward to all the fun events coming up!
Last weekend I spent Friday making cookies (which, I amazingly I did remember to take pictures and once I pull them off my camera I will add them here) and then went to a cookie exchange. It was a ton of fun!!
Saturday night was the first of many Christmas parties. Gene and Alex hosted the party and I had a ton of fun. Alex was gracious enough to send out the pictures from the event. Here are some of them...

On Monday my Community Group had our Christmas party at Pura Vida, which is only one of my favorite tapas restaurants ever!! Here is where I wish I would have remembered by camera... we don't have any pictures of all of us together. Instead of exchanging gifts each year we pool money for charity. This year we decided to go with Buckhead Church's drive to Be Rich. I am so glad we decide to give instead of get every year!!
Wednesday the Technical Solutions (aka IT for Buckhead, NorthPoint, and Browns Bridge) had our Christmas lunch which I previously blogged about.
Yesterday I helped my friends Ashley and Marcus move into their first house. They were my old neighbors at M Street Apartment and its sad that we now live further apart. But they moved into a really cute town home which is only a few minutes from the Farmers Market in DeKalb. I am so jealous!!
After the move was the Admin Christmas party for Buckhead, NorthPoint and Browns Bridge and it was held in the Attic at North Point... beautifully decorated. It was a lot of fun with dinner and the best chocolate milk ever (they had peppermint sticks and marshmallows... yummm!!!)!!!
After the Christmas party I picked up Kendol and we went to a going away party for a college friend of his. She has been going to school but decided she wasn't happy in her major, but has no clue what she wants to do. So, instead of spending a ton of money not doing anything she is going to go back home, live with her parents to save up some money, and decide what her next life step will be. I wish her luck and say a little prayer that she will find her direction!
But, this madness doesn't end. Here is my schedule for the next few days...
Saturday - work all day at Cbeyond then go to the Cbeyond Holiday party followed by the holiday after party (if I can make it)
Sunday - back to work at 8am, followed by church at 6pm and my friends Christmas Pot Luck at 7pm
Monday - my Friday at Cbeyond!! I then get to see my Community Group girls again!!
Tuesday - DAY OFF!!! Woo Hoo!! So far nothing major during the day. At night I get to see the progress that Ashley and Marcus made on getting their house together.
Wednesday - My Sex and The City night. After work at Buckhead Church (woo hoo) I get to hang out and watch SATC!!
Thursday - Work and work out (can't leave that out - Christmas time means a ton of food - none of it good for me)
Friday - ahhhhh relax
Wish me luck!! I want to make it to Friday!!! Hehe. But, I am looking forward to all the fun events coming up!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
On my walk to work this morning I realized that another Starbuck is now in my route to Buckhead Church. That brings the total count up to 3. I think the ATL is trying to compete with NYC.
PS - new favorite drink... peppermint mocha. Yummmm.
PS - new favorite drink... peppermint mocha. Yummmm.
Getting something I never knew I wanted.
Being able to walk to work.
The smell that happens when its just about to rain. Especially this morning when the temperatures were in the mid-50's and the patio door was open when I woke up. It was better than the smell of morning coffee.
The smell of my apartment after it has been cleaned.
Waking up to a clean apartment.
The feeling of relaxation when my apartment is clean. Knowing I don't have that on my to do list.
When I can let go of something and just let someone else do it (without my input)... thanks Kendol for putting up the tarp again!!
Christmas lights.
Giving myself December to forget about my healthy eating habits and to enjoy the holiday food.
The ability to cry.
Being able to walk to work.
The smell that happens when its just about to rain. Especially this morning when the temperatures were in the mid-50's and the patio door was open when I woke up. It was better than the smell of morning coffee.
The smell of my apartment after it has been cleaned.
Waking up to a clean apartment.
The feeling of relaxation when my apartment is clean. Knowing I don't have that on my to do list.
When I can let go of something and just let someone else do it (without my input)... thanks Kendol for putting up the tarp again!!
Christmas lights.
Giving myself December to forget about my healthy eating habits and to enjoy the holiday food.
The ability to cry.
Yesterday we had the department Christmas party for the North Point IT department (I am not sure if that is really what our department is called but you get the idea). It was great!! I got to see a lot of people that I don't get to see on a regular basis. We ate Mama Fu's, listened to wonderful Christmas music, had a great time together, and exchanged Secret Santa presents.
I got the best gifts ever!!

Thank you Secret Santa Kyle.
PS. my secret... I read most of the book last night and then started crying. I don't know why.
I got the best gifts ever!!

Thank you Secret Santa Kyle.
PS. my secret... I read most of the book last night and then started crying. I don't know why.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Does it get any better than this for DECEMBER?!?!!?

I don't think so!! It was a beautiful day off. I had the screen door open all day to let in the fresh air and I went for a run at Piedmont Park just to get out in the 78 degree weather!! Lovely!!
I just thought I would rub it in a little bit for you northerners!! Hope you are enjoying the snow... I will be up there soon to 'enjoy' it with you.

I don't think so!! It was a beautiful day off. I had the screen door open all day to let in the fresh air and I went for a run at Piedmont Park just to get out in the 78 degree weather!! Lovely!!
I just thought I would rub it in a little bit for you northerners!! Hope you are enjoying the snow... I will be up there soon to 'enjoy' it with you.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Pics, Pics, Pics
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Rare Blood
On Sunday I went with Kelly from my small group, her co-worker Mike and his friend to NPCC's Christmas's celebration for singles called Not So Silent Night. There was a silent auction and it was headlined by a group called Shane & Shane and they were amazing!! It was a lot of fun and the music was great!!
Last night I met up with Kelly again and Tiffany at Ru San's for dinner. IT was our off week for Community Group but we still wanted to get together since everyone has been so busy lately. It was so much fun chatting with them!!
In all of my errand running today I stopped at the Atlanta Red Cross to donate blood. While speaking to the extraction nurse (at one point I called her a doctor and she informed me I was incorrect) I found out that I have very rare blood. Not that A positive blood is all that rare its that my blood doesn't have a virus in it that almost all adults have. Not that the virus affect adults, but that means the blood can not be used in pre-mature babies. Since my blood doesn't contain that virus it can be used for pre-mature babies. I thought that was quite interesting.
Another stop on my day was to Ru San's with my Buckhead Church team. We had our Christmas lunch there and it was great!! It was fun to see everyone one and to be able to chat while eating sushi!
Last night I met up with Kelly again and Tiffany at Ru San's for dinner. IT was our off week for Community Group but we still wanted to get together since everyone has been so busy lately. It was so much fun chatting with them!!
In all of my errand running today I stopped at the Atlanta Red Cross to donate blood. While speaking to the extraction nurse (at one point I called her a doctor and she informed me I was incorrect) I found out that I have very rare blood. Not that A positive blood is all that rare its that my blood doesn't have a virus in it that almost all adults have. Not that the virus affect adults, but that means the blood can not be used in pre-mature babies. Since my blood doesn't contain that virus it can be used for pre-mature babies. I thought that was quite interesting.
Another stop on my day was to Ru San's with my Buckhead Church team. We had our Christmas lunch there and it was great!! It was fun to see everyone one and to be able to chat while eating sushi!
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